At NOAH, we celebrate the many different backgrounds and experiences of those in our community. We want to share YOUR story!
Click the links below to hear from:
Black PWAs ~ Hispanic & Latinx PWAs ~ Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander PWAs ~ Teen PWAs
Other community submissions:
Career Corner
Hear from PWAs in our community as they share information about their job or career.
Low-Vision Tips & Tricks
PWAs in our community have a wide variety of hobbies and interests, and we invite them to share tips or tricks for visually-accessing the activities they enjoy.
Don’t see a group listed that you identify with? Let us know and share your experiences to help us start things off! Written, photo, and video submissions are all welcomed and appreciated – please send to Emily at eaubrey@albinism.org for the chance to be featured as part of our You Belong Here website and social media features.
Submissions can remain anonymous by request.
Do you have something you’d like to share with NOAH?
Use the Share with NOAH form to fill us in on your comments, recommendations, or ideas!
Have a doctor that you love? Let us know! Recommend your doctor today!
Looking to get in touch about something else? Contact NOAH
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Recommend a Doctor
Love your low vision optometrist or ophthalmologist? Indebted to your dermatologist? NOAH wants to hear about it! One of the most common requests made of NOAH is to provide the name of a doctor experienced in treating patients with albinism. In response to that request, and because of your and other members’ help, NOAH has a member-recommended list of medical professionals experienced in treating patients with albinism. With your continued help, this list gets longer and stronger! Please take a moment to recommend your doctor today!
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Contact NOAH:
The National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation
PO Box 959
East Hampstead, NH 03826-0959
Phone: 800 473-2310 (US and Canada)
Phone: 603 887-2310
Fax: 603-887-6049
Email: info@albinism.org
NOAH is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that is federally tax exempt, incorporated in the state of Pennsylvania. We are a volunteer organization for persons and families involved with the condition of albinism. NOAH does not diagnose, treat, or provide genetic counseling. NOAH is involved in self-help, while trying to promote research and education.