Welcome to the NOAH family!
Whether your child has been newly diagnosed with albinism or newly adopted, NOAH has a team of parents, professionals and adults with albinism who would like to assure you that you are not alone and that there are plenty of resources available to your family.
Learn more about our New Parent Program:
Newly Diagnosed ~ Newly Adopted

New Parent Program – Newly Diagnosed
Welcome to the NOAH Family!
NOAH understands that being told your child has albinism can be shocking and can leave you full of questions and concerns. Adapting as a family to albinism is a process and, at times, can seem isolating and uncertain. NOAH has a team of parents, professionals and adults with albinism who would like to assure you that you are not alone; and that there are plenty of resources available to your family.
To begin with, NOAH’s New Parent Program offers a trained parent liaison volunteer to each newly diagnosed family. The parent liaison will guide you through the many resources NOAH has to offer, and also provide you the opportunity to speak directly to a parent of a child with albinism who truly understands. To connect with a parent liaison, please complete this online request form.
Once we have your information, a parent liaison will email you with further resources and information. In addition, NOAH sends a special gift* for parents of newly diagnosed children which includes useful items for your child and the family, as well as the New Parent Book, Raising A Child with Albinism: A Guide to the Early Years. NOAH also offers additional programming and events through Parent Connections, providing the opportunity for virtual “face to face” connections for parents of children with albinism through social, educational, and supportive discussions, and through the all new NOAH Workshops, facilitated by a licensed professional.
NOAH also encourages you to screen for a rare type of albinism called Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome (HPS). For information regarding HPS or Chediak Higashi, contact the HPS Network at info@hpsnetwork.org or visit their website at www.hpsnetwork.org.
*Note: The toolkit, when available, is offered as an independent gift to families with a new diagnosis, and is not a membership benefit.
New Parent Program – Newly Adopted
Welcome to the NOAH Family!
NOAH has a team of parents, professionals and adults with albinism who would like to assure you that you are not alone and that there are plenty of resources available to your family.
To begin with, NOAH’s New Parent Program offers a trained parent liaison volunteer to each newly adopted family. The parent liaison will guide you through the many resources NOAH has to offer, and also provide you with the opportunity to speak directly to a parent of a child with albinism who truly understands. To connect with a parent liaison, please complete this online request form.
Once we have your information, a parent liaison will email you with further resources and information. Additionally, NOAH sends a special gift* for parents of newly adopted children which includes useful, age-appropriate items for your child and the family. NOAH also offers additional programming and events through Parent Connections, providing the opportunity for virtual “face to face” connections for parents of children with albinism through social, educational, and supportive discussions, and through the all new NOAH Workshops, facilitated by a licensed professional.
NOAH also encourages you to screen for a rare type of albinism called Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome (HPS). For information regarding HPS or Chediak Higashi, contact the HPS Network at info@hpsnetwork.org or visit their website at www.hpsnetwork.org
*Note: The toolkit, when available, is offered as an independent gift to families with a new adoption, and is not a membership benefit.