Easy as 1-2-3-4!
Join us to celebrate your child, family member, friend, neighbor and yourself! Each event helps raise funds and awareness that will make a difference in the lives of people with albinism across the country. It is an opportunity for members of the albinism community to get together with family and friends on a local level. Learn more about how the money you raise benefits the albinism community!
Think that hosting a fundraising event might be for you? Check out the information below to get a better idea of what it means to be a fundraiser host, and see some inspiring stories of past event hosts that have made a real difference in their community! If you have any questions or would like to talk to someone about being an event host, email fundraise@albinism.org.
Inspirational Stories & Videos
Check out some of our fabulous fundraisers who were featured in the Summer 2019 issue of Albinism Insight below.
Watch the video below to hear from one of our very successful fundraising teams, Bluegrass Blondies, about their experiences with the 2018 Annual Bowl-a-thon & Spring Fundraiser!
Feeling inspired by our incredible event hosts? We sure are, and we’d be even more excited to have you join the ranks this year! If you think you might be ready to take the leap and host your own fundraiser, keep on reading to learn more about planning an event.
Plan Your Event in 4 Easy Steps!
1. Plan an event that suits you
∙ Choose an activity that you think would appeal to your network and to the local albinism community. Feel free to think of your own idea, or check out our fundraiser event suggestions.
∙ Pick a day, time, and place for your fundraising event. Feel free to schedule your event on any date of your choosing. If necessary, contact a local venue to reserve space.
∙ Create a fundraising team, or join an existing one, through our Peer to Peer Fundraising Dashboard. If you’d like step-by-step instructions to set up your fundraising page, we’ll walk you through the whole process in our Fundraising Page Instructions Document.
2. Spread the Word
∙ Email NOAH at fundraise@albinism.org with details of your event so we can help you spread the word to others in your area from the NOAH community. We’ll put together a personalized flyer to advertise your event, share the details on our site, and send out an email to members in your area!
∙ Check out the Fundraising Resources Page to download and print posters and other advertising materials, or make a custom design for your event using NOAH graphics available for download.
∙ If you are active on social media, create a Facebook event and invite all of your friends to attend and/or give their support. Post information about your event on any social media you use regularly to share with your followers (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). Don’t forget to include a link to your fundraising page!
∙ Get permission from local businesses to post fliers / brochures in their store windows or on community bulletin boards.
3. Collect Donations
∙ Gather a team of friends, family, and coworkers who are eager to support your fundraiser.
∙ Ask local businesses if they’d like to sponsor your event. Consider which businesses may have a connection to NOAH (physicians, your event venue, businesses invested in local philanthropy, etc), and use the templates and forms on the Fundraising Resources Page to reach out and ask for support.
∙ In Person: Use the Donation Tracking Sheet to collect donations.
∙ Online: Supporters can donate directly on your personal fundraising page when you share the link with them!
∙ Use the Money Handling Guidelines Sheet as a reference while collecting donations.
4. Hold your event
∙ Now for the FUN part! Call your friends, and family to join in your own special get-together. Regardless of your choice, you’ll be joining hundreds of other members of the albinism community across North America in support of NOAH!
∙ If your event has been sponsored by any local businesses or individuals, don’t forget to show your gratitude and acknowledge their support!
∙ Collect money using your Donation Tracking Sheet or online on your Peer to Peer Fundraising page. For donors giving cash, don’t forget to give them a Cash Donation Receipt.
∙ Tally up your fundraising totals and fill out the details in the Fundraising Income & Expense Reporting Form (coming soon!).
∙ Drop it all in the mail to NOAH, PO Box 959, E. Hampstead, NH 03826.
Not ready to host your own event yet?
Fear not – you can still participate in the Spring for NOAH Fundraiser and help support NOAH! Whether you’re hosting an event or not, feel free to create a fundraising page and ask your friends, family, and community members to donate.
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel! NOAH has plenty of resources to help plan a successful fundraising event. Go to the Spring for NOAH Fundraiser Resources Page for all the tools you need to host a successful fundraiser event!
If you can’t find the answer here, email us at fundraise@albinism.org