Charla believes in the power of NOAH
“I never felt comfortable with my albinism, until I found NOAH. As a child I was bullied and ridiculed, and did not have good self-esteem, until I found NOAH. To put it simply, finding and becoming active in NOAH changed my life. I finally felt comfortable in my own skin and also with my vision. I believe finding NOAH helped me reach my full potential. Becoming President of NOAH allowed me the chance to be of service to the NOAH community, a chance to give back what NOAH had given me. My life has taken many twists and turns since my active years in NOAH. However, I continue to support NOAH on a monthly basis because I believe in the Vision and Mission Statement. I believe in the NOAH volunteers and the service they perform in the support and education of albinism. I believe in the power of the organization and how it reaches out to individuals and families of people with albinism. I will continue to give what I can to NOAH for the rest of my life. It is my way of saying, Thank you NOAH!“
– Charla L.