Arielle Lewis
2014 McGowan Leadership Scholarship Recipient
Interested to learn what our scholarship recipients have been up to?
We caught up with 2014 scholarship recipient, Arielle Lewis, for a brief email interview. Keep reading for an update on Arielle’s life, her advice for this year’s applicants, and much more!

What are you currently doing?
Since the McGowan scholarship, I graduated from Emory University with a BA in French Studies. Currently, I am a second year MA in French at the University of Georgia (UGA). I just passed my MA exit exams and I will receive my degree in May. I am in the process of applying to law school and I hope to matriculate in a JD program for Fall 2019. I work as well as being a full-time student. I am an organizer for the 49th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL 49) which will take place on campus in the beginning of May. I have also taught French classes.
Share with us how leadership plays a role in your life today.
I continuously use leadership skills throughout school and work. A lot of them relate to organization. I was an instructor of record for two elementary French classes at the University of Georgia in the fall. I was elected as secretary in my department’s Graduate Student Organization (GSO) as well as a committee member for our Colloquium series. I am usually taking minutes or setting times for colloquia and workshops. Now I am organizing crash space for visiting graduate students, as well as presenting /writing instructions for some linguistic tools that are available at UGA, and organize a pamphlet. I still volunteer for NOAH and Positive Exposure (PEARLS project) as needed.
Do you have any advice for future applicants?
For future applicants, one of the easiest things to do is be involve yourself as a volunteer in a leadership position. This will provide valuable experience was well as strengthen your resumé. I eventually became recognizable for my work ethic as well as my [striking] blond hair (outside the albinism community).
How did you display leadership qualities in high school that helped you get to where you are today?
In high school, I started volunteering for NOAH by writing articles for Albinism Insight and on occasion I was asked to help with Rapid Response. I started volunteering for Positive Exposure in 2011 as a PEARLS project ambassador during its pilot phase and continue to blog once in a while. In other extra curricular activities, I was also concert master (first violin, first chair) in Orchestra. In college I still continued to volunteer for both NOAH and Positive Exposure.
Thanks so much for catching up with us, Arielle!
Feeling inspired by Arielle? We sure are!
You could be recognized for your leadership too – all you have to do is apply for the next Michael J. McGowan Leadership Scholarship Award! For more information on current application requirements and deadlines visit www.albinism.org/leadership.