About Albinism
Albinism is an inherited genetic condition that reduces the amount of melanin pigment formed in the skin, hair and/or eyes. Albinism occurs in all racial and ethnic groups throughout the world. In the U.S., approximately one in 18,000 to 20,000 people has some type of albinism. In other parts of the world, the occurrence can be as high as one in 3,000. Most children with albinism are born to parents whose hair and eye color are typical for their ethnic backgrounds.
For more in-depth information about albinism including genetics, vision considerations, types of albinism, and much more, check out our information bulletin “What is Albinism?”
What is Albinism?
About Hypopigmentation
Hypopigmentation refers to reduced production of melanin pigment in the skin. There are a number of conditions that result in hypopigmentation including albinism. NOAH’s mission is focused on albinism, and as such, information on this website covers albinism exclusively.